Monday, September 8, 2014

Jesse J. Griffith - Week #1 Model

Firstly, I have very little modeling experience. I was thinking about scanning in a small sculpture but I wanted to refresh myself of the digital modeling process. I took a very fast paced Maya crash course during my undergrad and a lot of the Maya modeling process has been forgotten. I experimented a lot with Mudbox but couldn't get a hang of the sculpting process. So I resorted back to the basics and made a simple beer bottle shape.

1. Found a good reference image for the build, added it to an image plane.

2. Getting the hang of switching between views again.

3. I began with a simple Cylinder shape.

4. From that, I extruded the base and the neck of the bottle and shaped accordingly.

5. Finished bottle.

I know this is very rudimentary as far as modeling complexity (especially after seeing many of the class' models), but I am taking this course to introduce me to the 3D Fabrication technology to see if that is an avenue that I'd like to pursue in the future. So another goal for this class would be to further develop my 3D modeling skills while keeping the fabrication specifications in mind.