Friday, January 27, 2017

Sarah Roberson: Rescue Duck

So my concept stemmed from a board game that used rubber ducks as its game pieces. I couldn't find the picture with the actual game that I had found as inspiration, but the picture above says what I saw. It had several ducks that all had some sort of outfit on it. When I was modeling this duck, I ended up creating a bowtie which ended up turning into the barrel on his neck. So it ended up turning into a rescue duck because of the barrel.

For my material selections inside of Keyshot, I used the materials that had names like solar eclipse and other stuff like that. I still wanted it to retail its rubber duck feel but also be something else entirely. I used a wood grain for the barrel around his neck and then added a scratched look by changing the bump texture inside the material editor. I did the same thing for his "cape" on his back because I wanted a weathered look as if he had been busy. 

Modeling Techniques:
So I used the rebuild tool and the F10 tool (forgot what it was called) to model the body and head of the duck. I also used the same technique for the cape and the hat. I used two paraboloids, like previously stated before, I was trying to create a bowtie and merged the two sides to fix a naked edge and it ended up turning into a barrel. That inspired the whole design.

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