Monday, October 10, 2022

Santiago Perez-Isaza: Project 2 Flashlight

Cola Lite

    The classic soda can shape has been around forever and no matter what brand you buy it will always be that same shape. I wanted to do a cheeky pun on diet sodas and the flashlight so I made "Cola Lite". The flashlight can be turned on, placed into the can by removing the top portion and into the sleeve within the can. The light will shine through the drinking hole. I hope to create some system that allows the light to be turned on by "opening the can" like you normally would by pulling on the tab before printing the final product.

Modeling Techniques
    To start the model, I traced out one half of the side profile of a soda can using polyline and rounded the edges using bevel. I separated the top portion of the curves to create a seperate cap that can be removed. After adding some thickness to the inside of the curves, I used the revolve command to make them into solid pieces. Creating the holding portion for the can was a hollow cylinder and measured out to the right length. Finally I removed a small ellipse shape from the top portion right above where the light will be held so that it can shine through.
Edge Check

Low Angle of the removable piece


    I rendered the final soda can in Blender using the Cycles engine. I created a simple metal texture, but just a naked soda can felt empty. I went into Photoshop and created a wrapper of a fake soda brand called Cola Lite, completely zero calories (unless you eat the batteries in the light). After some complications with UV unwrapping I was able to project the wrapper correctly onto the can.

The Wrapper

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