Saturday, December 10, 2022

Austen Sartain: Prosthetics


My inspiration came from Oni masks I've seen all over the internet. There are a huge variety of them ranging from handmade to 3D printed. I thought I'd give it a go and try to create one myself Intent: I wanted to create a mask that is modeled so that its shape and contours conform to that of person wearing it. (ie. it would be modeled to fit the wearer). It is completely aesthetic and has no real means of utility at the stage it is currently at, however that is what it was designed for anyway. Simply put, I wanted the mask to look cool. 


A majority of the modeling was done using projected curves to insure that the mask matched the contours of the model. This also allows the mask to keep a shape resembling part of a face.It took a lot of tries to create the surfaces properly. One of the strategies I tried was to project a curve that essentially made a circle around the models mouth nose and chin. Then I proejected a bunch of vertical curves inside the circle so that I could create the surfaces a section at a time to make sure I preserved as much of the facial contours as possible. The fangs were just a matter of creating a curve, revolving it, then bending them. The normal teeth were created by rebuilding a bunch of spheres so that they had a ton of control points, then sizing them into thin rectangular prisms. After that, it was just a matter of moving different control points to add extra character.

 For my model, the materials were a very obvious choice. Most masks you find on the internet are made of some type of plastic, regardless of being 3D printed or not. The straps of course would be a type of fabric. I could have made the mask metal, however, in reality it would have made the mask needlessly heavy.

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