Sunday, December 4, 2022

Benjamin Ramirez: Project 4 - Serial slicing


            For my concept, I wanted to create a character that would look very different from others. The collage that was used for the concept was very random. I took a little bit of each creature and made my own. The creatures I used to help me create this model are, 4 eyed goat, wolf, unicorn, sea monster, dragon, and Cerberus. Creating this model was model was very fun to do. I wanted to include horns that look like the model. I created a V shaped part in the middle of the face.



            The process that was used to create this model would be mainly in SubD tab in order to create the ears, head and neck. I had used The Line and Curve Tool to create the eyes and the V shape horns. The second tool I used was the Scale Command, I used that with a spherical SubD to create the head shape from the top to the bottom of the Model. Creating its shape to give a good model representation of what I wanted to create. The third command I used was the reflect command, this command is one of the best ones to use. It saves you two times the amount of time for you to not struggle making it proportionate. The fourth command is Boolean Union command, used to combine everything in the model. To make it as one which make everything look a lot cleaner. The fifth command is, Contour. Used to create flat layers to represent how the model would look when laser cutting the carboard. As well as using it as a guide to understand what would work and what won’t work. The carboard that was used a .25-inch thick carboard, that was 24’ x 48’ rectangle carboard.


Rendering & Fabrication:

            In rendering in keyshot I used the contour model to show how it would look like with the carboard glued together. I for the renders I used white matte paint, which is what I used to paint in the post processing part of the model. When the model was put together, I used painters’ tape to make a smoother layer before I would continue the process. Secondly, I would start to papier Mache. Using Elmer’s glue and mixing it with water in a 5 to 1 ratio. It allowed me to control the glue more so it would not be way too strong. The toughest part of Paper Mache would be getting the curves or small edges. Those were very hard to even get around, after that would be completed. I started to paint the model, the idea is to go for a black and white theme, in order to achieve the mysterious look, I wanted for it. 

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