Sunday, December 4, 2022

Martin Canales: Project 4 - Serial Slicing


 The concept for this project felt like a huge gamble for me. The collage didn't have a certain theme, rather ideas I have in my mind at the time of making it. I boiled my choices down to 3 pictures: E.T., the desert rain frog, and a lemur. I couldn't finalize my decision in time but when posting the collage, I got an idea from one of my classmates (Rian) to combine the 3 ideas to make Frankenstein-like creation. That is basically what I went with for the project with the Photoshop idea I did a few days later.



Finalized Concept


The hardest part of the model for me was getting the actual shape down. I used basic shapes like spheres and cylinders to get an outline for E.T.'s body. I also used the MakeHole command to make the eyes and mouth shape. Extrude Curve and Extrude Surface were used to contour the model. The grasshopper command was pretty straightforward to do and was able to get the separate slices in the planes.

Rhino Screenshots
Rendering and Fabrication

When transferring the model to Keyshot, I used the basic wood tool to get an idea to see how the mode will look like when it's laser cutted. That's also cause I'm not too sure on how I can work with the model. For the environment, I used an apartment background like last time to help visualize how it would look indoors.

Keyshot renders with grey background

Keyshot render with appropriate background 

Once the file was actually laser cut, I noticed that the model I made in Rhino and the one that was laser cut was incredibly different. The arms and screws I made for the model were absent from the laser cut, so I had to work with the final product without these aspects. I decided to super glue it all together.

Processed Model

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