Sunday, September 11, 2022

Eugenio Gonzalez Lazo: Week 1 Spaceship


  1. Inspiration: The main inspiration of my model is just based on a typical toy spaceship. I wanted to go with the overall shape of these toy spaceships, but instead of incorporating pointy corners, I wanted it to be more round in shape. The curves provided an almost egg like feature that allowed it to resemble a spaceship that looked more realistic.

  2. Process: My first main issue came with how I began to build the overall body of the ship. I initially placed a cylinder on Rhino, hoping to then modify the shape to provide that ovalness to it, but I quickly realized that I was making my life harder than it needed to be, and that a sphere scaled in the Y axis (Scale 1D) could help achieve the same result I was looking for. When designing the red pieces to connect the engine, I was only going to use a rectangle to connect the engines to the ship. This looked a bit rough as the circular engine did not look like it was secure on the rectangle, so I added a second red cylinder on top of the engine, which I then angled the top surface towards the ship and then extruded the angled surface (Extrude Surface) into the body of the ship. When I finished designing the red legs, I decided to use an array (Polar Array) to create the 4 legs. It took a few tries, but I finally understood what each subcommand asked me to do. This placed all 4 legs and engines every 90 degrees from the center of the ship. The body of the ship was originally just a sphere. However, it needed something on the sides of it, so I decided to (Split) it in half by creating a surface right down the middle of the ship in order to use it as a cutting object. Finally, when creating the window, i created a white cylinder perpendicular to the ship, then I created a smaller window cylinder inside of the white cylinder in order to cut a big hole from the ship and a hole from the window frame. I then combined the window frame (Group) with the rest of the body of the ship to have them become the same object. 

  3. Materials: For the body of the ship, I used Aluminum Rough because I really liked how it have the ship this matte, brand new rocket ship look. For the the red pieces of the model, I went with Paint Gloss Red #2 because I wanted these accents to be super glossy in contrast with the body. Lastly, for the Window, I used Glass Heavy Frost Bright Blue since it gave the window this playful, cartoony blue tint. For lighting, I wanted to go with a minimalist studio environment, and I chose a basic 3 Point Lighting map. It initially looked very evenly lit, but I wanted it to again look more realistic, so I kept the overhead light as is, but modified the key and fill angles to better illuminate different parts of the ship.

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