Monday, September 21, 2015

Robert Manriquez; HeartBodyBrain (3d Printed midterm)

3d Print Midterm

 I based this object off of the heart, body, and mind. The heart piece is leaning up against the body. I previously had the heart being held up with two vessels that were very weak. The print ended up giving me and issue and I, unfortunately, ended up having to due away with the strands due to modeling limitations. The body is the big chunk and it is a fluid and curved object due to its ability to be flexible. The brain (circle) is encased by the two sturdy round objects(skull) and is held up by the neck.

 I used pipes, spheres, control point manipulation, squares, rectangles, trims, and bends. I manipulated the heart by changing the control points on a sphere. I wanted to keep that cartoonish heart feeling, so I made it look similar to a tooth and rotated the object to stand out. The body was bent into this position and then I differenced some cylinders out to create the skeletal structure. The head portion is some bent rectangles that weren't bent as much. Considering the skeletal structure is more thick and strong, I didn't want the flexibility to be as visible.

I used hard plastics for the heart and brain structures. Plastic is a strong, yet easily broken material. The thought process can show the double edged sword when it comes to strength within your most important organs. The body is made of wood. The same idea still remains, however, it's thicker because it takes a lot more to break the body. I wanted to go with these materials because I really enjoy the play on bright plastics against the dark wood.

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