Monday, October 13, 2014

Nick Adams - Project 3 - Serial Slicing

This is my third project and unfortunatly given time constraints I don't have a second model sliced but my first model was quite an experience. It ended up with around 80 sections. I modeled this in zbrush 4R6 

above is the mesh in maya with the wire frame just so you can get an idea of what it looked like before slicing. Modeling techniques used were mostly organic sculpting I used a wide array of tool available in zbrush such as dynamesh and zremesher. I then proceeded to decimate the hell out of the model which explains the weird looking topo.

Here is the Rhino version of the model ghosting with wire frame on. Thematically this sculpture was made to represent a deity a creature that is explainable. It has metal rods protruding from its tail as well as six fins. 

This is the slice sheet for the whale after I contoured it. This took me like 2 hours to layout -.- there are exactly 80 parts

Here is a Keyshot render of the whale I decided to do a metal material as if this was weld together and made out of metal.

These are some references or rather images that are kind of close to what I have modeled  I don't wanna say I pulled inspiration from them because I modeled it straight from my head using no out side sources.

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