Sunday, October 26, 2014

Sean Lenox - Project 4: Slots

Week 9: 

Here are my slots, laid out and ready for laser cutting. When putting these together I couldn't help but think of TV remotes, so I made them chunky rounded rectangles with engraved "buttons". This could be because we've been having tons of trouble with our own remote over the past week or so and I just can't get it out of my head.

Something like this, y'know?

I used circles and lines to draw the body, and used a rounded rectangle for the center hole. I used polar arrays and mirrors to get the notches in the right places, and plenty of offset curves for my engravings, also using circles and lines for those. CurveBoolean brought everything together nicely.

I tried to save this as an .stl file, but Rhino just tells me "No surface objects to export." and doesn't save it. Hopefully this isn't a big problem - I have the .3dm file with me. It's still a confusing, though, considering I was able to save my slice sheet as an .stl with no problems. People on the Internet just called it a "bug". Hopefully it will still work.

Week 13:

Here is a photo of the laser-cut slots.

Week 15:

Here is a photo of my slot composition.

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