Sunday, October 26, 2014

David Norkiewicz: Project 4: Slots

Design Concept

For our fourth project, we were given instructions to create a "slotted" piece. This consisted of us creating pieces from a sturdy board, and construct a sculpture using the pieces.

To help us with understand slots, we were able to design sculptures from sample pieces that Professor Scott provided. While creating different designs, I was struck with the idea to create organic shapes with the geometric shapes provided. However, I was not happy with the results that I encountered. 

The main problem I had was the shape of the pieces. I am a large fan of geometric shapes; however, the pieces provided only contained a few very hard ridged pieces. The pieces I created are sharper in design (or at least contain many corners) and overall contain very few curves. However, the shapes contain a variety of different slots at different angles. This will let me create twisting organic shapes with geometric shapes.


To accomplish this, I used a variety of move, copy, and array combinations to produce several shapes. After measuring the thickness of the plywood underlay board that I purchased, I created a small box and booleaned it into the meshes that were created. This allows for the pieces to intersect and not be to small (or large).

We are submitting our materials and Rhino file the next time our class meets to cut our materials and design our sculptures. I am very excited to see what type of sculpture I can create with these geometric pieces!

I have received the cut pieces!

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