Monday, February 17, 2020

Barry Emily: Project 3 Hammer

          I wanted to create a hammer that could be something that is used in real life. I like the classic hammer head, it make sense and has been used forever without being changed. For the handle I wanted something that is a little more creative than just a straight hammer handle.


        The handle has a dip in the middle to be a good grip while hammering, and I added finger grooves to the back end to give you a better grip while prying out nails. The hammer head has a hole in it so it could be hung up on a wall. The yellow rings add space from the ground, or wherever the hammer is laid down. 

So the silver color is the metal of the hammer, it is totally clean as if the hammer hasn't been used yet. The turquoise of the hammer head is supposed to be a rubber/neoprene covering to protect the metal and to provide grip when prying out nails. The blue of the handle is a textured rubber to protect the hand, and make it more comfortable to use. The yellow is a very hard rubber that helps to protect the hammer.

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