Monday, February 24, 2020

Rahul Nair: Project 2 3D Print

I made my object based on a tiki head. It's not exactly structured similarly to any real ones, but it has some components that make it obviously stand out as a head. Like any tiki head should, it has a solid base and strange designs on the head.

I modelled the head starting from a 12 sided polygon. After applying some reconstructions to it, I began to bridge out different areas on the head, sort of simulating an abstract idea of hair. Then, I created an outcropping in the center signifying a nose which now fully gives it the appearance of a person, at least close enough anyway. The bottom half which sort of serves as the jaw area is slimmer and composed of a series of extrusions. Then for the legs, I selected similar for a specifically long polygon on the bottom pattern. I extruded hose to form the base, it can be perceived as legs or perhaps facial hair.

For the materials rather than choosing a standard tiki material like wood or stone, I decided to go for a gemstone that resembles ruby. It makes the tiki head look like some sort of magic artifact or something. It stands tall in this arid hilly environment and casts a dim shadow since it refracts light.

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