Sunday, February 16, 2020

Drew Psencik: Project 3 Hammer


For my hammer project, I decided to recreate a hammer from the video game Monster Hunter 2. Given that the game released in 2006, the reference is fairly old but still manages to show plenty of detail to create the hammer. Personally, I think that the oversize hammer head and spikes is quite a unique look and is very barbaric, which partly guided me to choose this.

Modeling Techniques

Initially, I imported the reference picture into Rhino using the pictureFrame command which allowed me to then create curves based on the reference directly. Once I had the basic shape created in 2D, started working on the hammer head and worked down from there. I created the spikes using the revolve command and placed them accordingly while also filleting the edges to create the rounded effect. From there I transferred to the shaft of the hammer which was a series of simple curve extrusions and fillets. I revolved for the end cap as well and tacked on the spikes after I created the hilt with curve extrusions and Boolean differences.

Material Assignments:

Since I created the model to be a tad smoother and modern I was able to use cleaner materials that really allowed for the light to catch. I used an aluminum material for the head but increased the roughness. I used the standard ash wood texture for the shaft. Lastly I used another metal material that was much darker and has less reflections.

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