Sunday, February 23, 2020

Nadeem Dahduli: Week 7 3D Print


For my 3D print I wanted to make something that resembled an object with a protected or caged centerpiece. My inspiration for this mainly flourished from the use of lamp frames. These "caged" light bulbs fascinate me in their infinite opportunity for creativity, as they come in many different shapes and sizes.


I started with an octahedron and began to extrude its bottom sides to form the legs. I highly emphasized the use of the "Add handle" and "Add hole" tools so I can produce the curves that guard the centerpiece. I then rendered using the re-meshing tools such as doo sabin, simplest and pentagonalization and ended up with a smoother texture, which enabled me to produce the extrusions that cross the top and the rib cage (side extrusions).


After experimenting with almost every type of glass on the list, I decided to use this type of glass that was brown but had a gold glimmer to it. I initially was going to apply black glass, but wanted to add some color to it. I adjusted the roughness and the refraction rate of the glass in order to make the object easier to recognize and more appealing to make the accent refractions pop. I admire public art so I went with an enlarged art piece in an old parking lot. I adjusted the shadows of the object itself in Photoshop due to the lack finding an environment that made the shadows of the object match the shadows of the pillars.

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