Sunday, February 5, 2017

Anisha Chaudhary: Week 04 Hammer

For my hammer model, I imagined a fighter from a video game using a long hammer as a spear. I looked up references of hammers that are used in Anime and found many female fighters that would use a long hammer, usually slung behind their shoulders with some decoration that represents the character at the end of it. I liked the idea of making the hammer appear heavy, and I also like that it looks like a mixture of a claw hammer and a sledgehammer.

Modeling Techniques:
I blocked out the main pieces and separated them in Maya. I started with the hammer head as a rectangular prism and created a smaller cube for the claw and elongated it. I changed the vertices at the claw to make it appear smaller as it gradually went further from the hammer head. I merged the claw with the head and I used a bend deform to make the hammer have a bend as it went down to the claw. This is the main reason I did the blocking out in Maya because I wasn't sure how to create that effect of a bent claw in Rhino. I then created the top piece and handle using a cylinder and resizing it's bottom vertices, and then added a sphere and a two cylinders for the bottom piece as decoration. I then took my model into Rhino. I had some trouble with this at first. It was an issue with my model being a closed mesh instead of a closed poly surface, but this was solved by typing in the command "Mesh to Nurbs". I then made the opening of the claw by creating a curve, revolving it, then using the command "Boolean2Objects". I went back and filleted the entire hammer. I think the mistake I made was blocking this object out in Maya, because there are many obvious faces showing in the cylinders for the handle and bottom decoration.

The materials I chose were chosen so that it looked like a Knight's weapon. I chose Brass Rough for the handle piece and the end piece as decoration. I chose black walnut as my wood for the pole to make it look old fashioned and used. I chose Anodized Silver as the metal for my hammer's head. I thought this silver made the hammer appear very heavy.

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