Sunday, February 7, 2016

Alec McKay: Week 3 Mouse

Concept: I saw several mice that formed an arch with the main body of the mouse, rather than having the bottom flat. I wanted it to look sleek and modern. It’s also an even design that can be used in either the right or left hand.

Modeling Techniques: To create the arch shape, I created several curves and did sweeps between them. The texture on the wheel was created with several small tori in a polar array around the wheel. I trimmed parts of the tori off so they weren’t intersecting with the wheel and then used difference to cut the grooves out. Several parts of the mouse, including the split between the right and left buttons and the hole for the wheel were created with difference.

Materials: This mouse is built from plastic, as most of the mice I’ve seen are. The top plate on the mouse is shiny and red, for decorative purposes. The cord, wheel and the main structure of the mouse are a duller, more rubbery plastic, because they are areas that benefit from being softer or having more traction.

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