Monday, February 8, 2016

Christopher Rickett: Week 3 - Hammer

Concept:  The concept for this model was to make a hammer that drifted away from a normal hammer.  After looking through reference images I found myself looking at the same things over and over.  After refining searches, I came across hammer weapons, and I thought they looked cool, so I decided to stylize my model to mirror something like that.

Technique:  I used a variety of tools to make this model.  The curve tool and revolve tool were used to create the head of the hammer. The fillet edge tool was used to give a rounded look to much of the model.  I used Boolean difference to create cuts in the grip of the handle as well as the hole in the axe blade.

Materials:  I wanted this model to look like something old. I used an ultras scratched steel metal on the hammer/blade to give it an aged look.  The handle has a wooden material and the grip has a soft, leather-like look to it to give it the appearance that it was made before rubber grips were invented. 

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