Saturday, February 6, 2016

Jung Choi Week2 Duck

For this duck, I did not really have an influence in mind. I made a toy duck with wheels.
The kids would be able to play with the duck similar to a toy car. 
I used control point editing to shape the body and used a cutting plane to trim a hole in
the bottom of the head. Then I projected the curve of the hole to the body then trimmed a hole
in the body as well. I used the blend surface tool to create the neck part of the duck. Then I used a curve to separate the bill from the head. I created wings from an ellipsoid by using point editing.
The theme of the duck was a plastic toy for the kids. I used non-shiny plastic materials for the whole model. I got the colors from the green headed ducks and mixed the scheme with the rubber ducks that kids play with in the bath. 

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