Monday, February 15, 2016

Devon Youngbird: USB

Concept: The concept of this USB was the idea of a mouse end USB with peripheral wire running off screen. The overall thing would resemble a real world USB design. Originally, I wanted the wire running all over the screen, but due to curve issues, I decided to simplify the design.

Techniques: This model used a combination of techniques we've learned over the past weeks. From projecting curves, extruding curves, and using tools to draw those curves- to using trim to cutout shapes and filet edges to smooth the model's edges. It was one big review it felt like, but was fun regardless to make.

Materials: The materials are a black matted plastic, a chrome for metal, copper metal in the inner workings, and a red plastic material for the USB logo on top. The materials help reflect the idea of a real world USB extension and rendered nicely.

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